Online-Forschungsreihe des 'Children & Work'-Netzwerkes

In der etwa monatlich stattfindenden Online-Forschungsreihe des 'Children & Work'-Netzwerkes werden aktuelle Studien im Zusammenhang mit Kinderarbeit und arbeitenden Kindern vorgestellt. Die kostenlosen Webinare dauern jeweils eine Stunde (15 Minuten Präsentation und 45 Minuten Diskussion auf Englisch). Sie bieten einen Raum, in dem weltweit Einzelpersonen und Organisationen zusammenkommen, um sich über relevante und vielfältige Themen in diesem Bereich auszutauschen.

Das nächste Webinar erfolgt am Mittwoch, 26. Januar um 16 Uhr (CET).
Thema: "Young Carers: Views on Child Labour and Family Caregiving"
Referent*in: Dr. Feylyn Lewis (Vanderbilt University School of Nursing)
Anmeldung (Zoom) und Archiv der vergangenen Webinare:

Inhalt: This presentation will reflect upon the discourse of the global phenomenon known as "young carers" through the perspective of child labour and family care and caregiving. Young carers are children and young people who provide unpaid care, support, and assistance to disabled or ill family members and friends. Young carers typically provide a wide range of care : intimate, emotional, financial, and physical support, with many beginning their caring role during the early
childhood years. The level of awareness, dedicated policy, and formal support varies across Europe, North America, and Asia—where the majority of research with young carers is conducted—however, young carers remain a generally hidden, underresearched, and underserved population of youth. Their contributions to family life are invaluable and the safety net of social care systems in many countries across the world, however the debate remains ongoing in respect to their position as child workers or simply "helpers" in the home. This presentation will offer critical rationales for examining the activities of young carers as "work" and the implications for global policy and practice.

Aktualisiert: 22.01.2022